278 player. It was agreed that a substantial deposit be made, and the balance cleared not later than Dec. 31st. PLAYERS The following terms were agreed:- WAGES. Dunlop, Parker, Bramwell, Harris. B. Jones, 225 Meagan, Harris J., Thomas, Hickson, Collins, Laverick, O'Neill and Sanders £20 and £17. Tansey, Rea & O'Hara £17 and £14. Parker and Labone £15 & £13. Billington £14 & £12. SCOUTING It was agreed that notice to A. Dixon 260 to terminate his employment be deferred for one month. It was agreed to retain the services of W. H. Cooke and to employ L. Bryan and D. Burns as part-time Scouts at £3.0.0 per week plus expenses. It was agreed that Mr. Carey should contact F. Bennett and get his reaction to part-time employment for next season. J. BLAIN It was agreed that this amateur player be signed as a professional. BLAZERS It was agreed to provide the Senior players with Blazers if the Football League granted permission. TRAINERS It was agreed to increase the wages 245 of T. G. Watson to £17.0.0 per week and S. J. Bentham to £14.0.0 per week, and to transfer G. Thompson to the Maintenance Staff. TOUR It was reported that the Bulgarian Trip 275 had not materialised, but two games had been arranged in Spain on Apl. 30 and May 1st for £600 and £800 respectively, all expenses paid. There was some doubt about the 2nd Match and this was left to Mr. Micklesfield and Mr. Carey to sort out when in Spain.