
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Monday April 20th 1959]

			Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair)
		and all other Directors except Mr. Sharp who
		tendered his apologies.	Secretary in

			Minutes of Meeting of Apl. 13th were
		read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Gate v Bolton Res.			  47. 2. 9
		Gate v Aston Villa Res.			  51. 8. 0
		Deposit 11, Thirlmere Dr.		 215. 0. 0
			Cheques were signed for
		Comms. Inl. Rev. P. A. Y. E.		1375.10. 0
		British Railways Fares			  94. 3 .8
		A. Dixon Xes.				  18. 3. 6
			Bank Balance £25,460.9.8 Dr.

Reports			Reports were given of the 1st Team game
		v Chelsea and of the 2nd Team game v Aston
		Villa games.

Tour			It was reported that an offer had been
	271	made for a Match in Valencia on Apl. 30th
		all travelling expenses paid for a party of 17
		plus £600, and there was a possibility of
		3 games in Bulgaria, all expenses paid plus
		£500 spending money and 2,000 dollars a Match
		for a party of 25. It was agreed to favour
		the Bulgarian Tour with a preference to start
		on May 9th if any option were given of the
		commencing date.

Daily Mail		An article in the Daily Mail was
		considered quoting unfavourable comments on
		the tactics of the players by the Manager
		of Notts Forest, W. Wacker. It was agreed