
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Monday Apl. 13th 1959]

			Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all
		other Directors except Mr. Hughes who tendered his
		apologies. Manager & Secy. in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of Apl. 7th were
		read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		West Ham Utd. F. C. %			 475.15.11
		Gate v Notts Forest			2930.12. 3
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Football League %			 108.14. 5
		Notts Forest F. C. %			 444. 6. 6
		Police					  81.17. 0
			Bank Balance £23,723.17.3 Dr.

Report of		The report of recommendations of the
Liasion Comm.	Liasion Committee were approved. (Copy annexed)

			It was agreed to move the Shareholders
SEASON TKT. PRICES section to the South end of Bullens Rd. and
	51.	reduce the accommodation to meet requirements.
		The accommodation in the Centre Section to be
		increased accordingly to accommodate the Season
		Ticket Holders from the North End. The prices
		of the Centre Block of 1540 Seats to be
		£7.7.0 and the ends of the Centre Block
		numbering 980 Seats to be £6.6.0 each.
		Block 'F' to be £7.7.0 and Block 'D' £6.6.0.

Reports			Reports were given of the 1st Team
		game v Notts Forest and of the 2nd Team
		game v Wolves Res.

TRANSFER LIST		The suggested Retain & Transfer list
	177	was studied and it was agreed that the
		following be placed on the Open to Transfer
		List:- J. Hillsdon , T. Gannon, J. M. Clayton,