[MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE JOINT COMMITTEES OF THE EVERTON AND LIVERPOOL FOOTBALL CLUBS HELD AT GOODISON PARK MONDAY, 13TH APRIL 1959] Present:- Messrs. C. H. Askham, R. A. Joynson, R. L. Martindale, F. Micklesfield, H. Robson Roberts, T. V. Williams, together with Mr. W. Dickinson, Secretary. Chairman Mr. T. V. Williams was elected Chairman for this meeting and it was agreed that a new Chairman be elected at each meeting which would be held alternately at Goodison Park and Anfield, with the Secretary of each club acting as Secretary of the meeting alternately. Season It was resolved to recommend that each club increase the Ticket prices of season tickets for season 1959-60 and that Prices publication of details be deferred to May 4th in the hope that a decision on our rating appeals had been reached. Press A discussion took place on the advisability of reducing Tickets the number of press tickets issued to the Echo and the Daily Post and it was agreed to recommend that these remain unchanged i.e. four for the Echo and two for the Daily Post, on the understanding that one ticket of each paper, whilst not actually necessary, would be a spare ticket available for special circumstances. Press on It was agreed to recommend that the existing arrangements Away be continued and any complaints in connection with the Journeys Press be considered by the Joint Committee at which the offending Pressman be asked to attend. Compli- It was agreed to recommend that each club exchange mentary two Complementary Season Tickets for each Director Tickets for instead of one as hitherto. Directors Central It was agreed to recommend that the Liverpool F. C. League nominate Mr. S. C. Reakes for election to the Central Management League Management Committee in place of Mr. S. R. Williams Committee and that the Everton F. C. should nominate Mr. F. Micklesfield to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. E. Gill. R. E. Searle.