262 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Wednesday March 11th 1959.] Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other Directors, Manager and Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of March 3rd were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Gate v Blackpool Res. 39.15. 6 Football League Refund 4% 566.13. 2 Cheques were signed for:- Wages 833. 3. 0 Cash Disbursements 104.12. 2 C. Liddy Xcs. 27. 0. 0 A. Dixon Xcs. 19. 8. 0 G. Holloway Xcs. 21. 7. 6 Bank Balance £32,148.18.1 Dr. L'POOL SCHOOLS F. A. Mr. Micklesfield reported his conversations 260 with Mr. T. V. Williams, Chairman of Liverpool F. C. and was satisfied that no embarrassment would be caused to Liverpool F. C. in loaning the ground to the Schoolboys. This had been arranged and the match played last Monday. Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team game v M/c Utd. and of the 2nd Team game v Blackpool Res. O'Hara It was reported that a second opinion 259 had been obtained from Mr. H. Poster on O'Hara, which had confirmed Mr. Heron's opinion. It was recommended that the operation to shorter the ligaments be done and this was approved. CRYSTAL PALACE It was reported that Crystal Palace 260 had agreed to pay us £500.0.0 to cover expenses for a Floodlit Match on Apl. 6th which had been arranged.