258 be accepted was approved, as was the draft of a letter to be sent to Bradshaw Bros. SEMI-FINAL It was agreed to place the ground at the disposal of the F. A. if required for a Semi- Final or a Replay in the F. A. Cup. HOME FARM F. C. It was agreed to admit approximately 35 Schoolboys of this Club free to the Boys Pen for our Match v Luton on March 30th and to issue up to 10 Complimentary tickets for the accompanying teachers. F. L. MEETING OF The Agenda of this Meeting was CHAIRMEN discussed and it was agreed that the 223 Chairman should attend. TICKET The following allocation for each Director ALLOCATION was agreed for the England v Scotland Match. 34 4 @ 50/- 5 @ 25/- 7 @ 15/- 6 @ 10/6 30 @ 3/6 Extras for Chairman 1 @ 28/- 3 @ 15/- 5 @ 10/6 20 @ 3/6. Transfer of The following were approved:- {(24)} Shares SHARES NOD. 31, 32, 608, 121, 70, 122, 604, 606, 649, 650, 572 To 574, 377 To 381, 69, 647, 319, 2183, 2339 & 2177. From Xixes C. S. Baxter to E. D. & F. M. Baxter. Director away To Blackburn:- Mr. J. Taylor. Next Meeting Tuesday March 3rd at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct. R. E. Searle Chairman.