253 view that his firm might provide the labour and equipment without change to carry out the remedial measures recommended by the Royal Seed Establishment if the Club paid for the cost of the materials. The work would take 7 to 10 days to complete and they would like to consult Mr. Prior beforehand. It was agreed to carry out the remedial measures outlined, and to let Bradshaw Bros. do the work if they were agreeable on the terms stated. If they were willing to co-operate the question of litigation would not be pursued. Mr. Askham stated that he could not work in conjunction with Bradshaw Bros. PITCH COMMITTEE and a special Pitch Sub-Committee was formed of Messrs F. Micklesfield, R. A. Joynson and J. Taylor of which Mr. Micklesfield was subsequently elected Chairman. The Board accepted Mr. Askham's decision with regret and wished to place on record their appreciation of the valuable work he had done. F. A. CUP In the event of a replay it was REPLAY agreed that each Director be allocated 2 Box 239 & 2 Complimentary tickets and 40 Tickets to purchase, and the balance to go to Shareholders and Season Ticket holders. OVERDRAFT A letter was read from the 197 Midland Bank Ltd. agreeing to an overdraft limit of £50,000.0.0. FRANK MALE It was agreed to donate £10.0.0 ELTON FOLD F. C. to the Frank Male Testimonial Fund who died after a match on Jan. 31st Mr. Askham descented. GRAMMAR SCHOOLS It was agreed to offer the use of SHIELD 52