
B. B. C.		Permission was given for a commentary of
246		the 2nd Half of our League game at Birmingham
		on Feb. 21st to be made.

DAILY POST		It was agreed that the Daily Post reporter
105		be allowed to travel with the official party to London
		for the Cup-Tie & Charlton.

FOOTBALL LEAGUE		A letter was read from the Football
225		League asking for the co-operation of Club is
		not divulging to the Press their opinions of
		Referees and the marks to be awarded to them.
		It was also noted that the cost of electricity
		for Floodlighting was to be allowed as a
		match expenses.

TRANSFER OF		The following was approved:-
SHARES		SHARES NOD. 1804 to 1806 from Exix. of Wm. E. Smith

DIRECTORS AWAY		To Charlton:- all except MR. Askham.

NEXT MEETING		Tuesday Jan. 27th at 5 pm. if no replay.

					Confirmed as correct
						R. E. Searle