Sunderland Hospitals on Jan. 10th.
LIVERPOOL MASS. An appeal for a donation to a Prize
RADIOGRAPHY CAMPAIGN Fund to further this campaign, and for
complimentary tickets for the benefit of the
technicians was not acceded to.
F. A. CUP REPLAY It was reported that should a replay
146 be necessary v Sunderland this would be
played on Wed. Jan. 14th at Sunderland with
an evening K. O.
EVENING EXPRESS It was agreed that as this
paper had now ceased to function, the
Press tickets issued to them should be reclaimed.
TRANSFER OF SHARES The following were approved:-
SHARES NOD. 190, 1399 & 1400 from the Trustees of
W. H. Lawson to Harold Hardman Lawson.
SHARES NOD. 1077 from EXIX N. J. Mitchell to
Lydia Sarah Mitchell.
SHARES NO. 1193 & 2193 from S. Brandreth died to
Miss Gladys Eva Leuisa Brandreth.
Directors Away To Burnley (TUES.) Messrs F. Micklesfield
& J. C. Sharp.
To Burnley (Sat.) Mr. Joynson.
To Bolton (FRI.) Mr. Coffey.
To Bolton (Sat.) Messrs R. E. Searle,
F. Micklesfield, J. C. Sharp, C. E. Balmforth,
C. H. Askham. R. A. Joynson & E. Holland Hughes.
Next Meeting Tuesday Dec. 30th at 5 pm.
Confirmed as Correct
R. E. Searle