
		Bradshaw Bros. Ltd., stating that they could not
		accept liability for the state of the pitch, and
		it was agreed to reply in accordance with the
		draft letter submitted.

TRANSPORT		A letter was considered from the
		Corporation Passenger Transport Dept., requesting
		a 2.45 p.m. kick off on Saturdays to facilitate
		transport, but it was agreed that this request
		could not be granted as it was felt that it
		would affect attendances adversely.

DIRECTORS		A letter was read from the Inspector
EXPENSES	of taxes stating that liability would arise in
214		respect of Directors expenses. It was agreed that
		the Chairman and the Secretary should meet the
		Inspector, as suggested to discuss this matter.

CHRISTMAS		It was resolved that these be
BOXES 128	as last year.

TRANSFER OF		The following was approved:-
SHARES		SHARES NOD. 749, 750 & 2427 FROM John Moores to
		Eric A. Sawyer.

DIRECTORS AWAY		To Aston Villa:- Mr. J. Taylor.

NEXT MEETING		Tuesday Dec 2nd at 5 p.m.

				Confirmed as correct

					R. E. Searle
