228 [Emergency Meeting held at Goodison Park Thursday Nov. 13th 1958] Present:- Mr. F. Micklesfield (Vice Chairman) and Messrs J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey, C. E. Balmforth C. H. Askham, E. Holland Hughes & R. A. Joynson together with the Secretary, Mr. Thompson of Bradshaw Bros. and Mr. Dawson the Director of the Sports Turf Research Institute, and Mr. Joss. The Chairman, Mr. R. E. Searle and Mr. J. Taylor Tendered their apologies for their inability to attend. In the absence of the Chairman Mr. Micklesfield took the chair. PITCH It was reported that the pitch was in a very bad state owing to excessive water staying on the surface, and not draining through, leaving large patches of slush. Mr. Dawson & Mr. Thompson thought it would be possible to get the pitch fit to play on Saturday by deep forking between the soil warming wires, and applying Gypsum and then sand. It was agreed that this be done under the supervision of Mr. Joss, and Mr. Thompson promised to provide some extra labour. EARLE F. C. It was reported that tentative enquires had been made for alternative accommodation at the ground of Earle F. C. for playing our Central League games, and it was probable that they would loan their ground for £15.0.0 per match or 15% of the gate, whichever was the greater. It was resolved that Messrs F. Micklesfield & R. A. Joynson negotiate with Earle F. C. on this basis and that application be made to the Central League for the necessary permission, as this was deemed advisable by Mr. Dawson. CONFIRMED AS CORRECT R. E. Searle CHAIRMAN