225 tie v M/c Utd. would be played at Manchester on Nov. 17th. LANCS. SENIOR CUP It was reported that the tie v Chester 216 would be played at Chester on Nov. 19th. A. Parker It was reported that Alex Parker had 220 been selected to play for the Army v Scotland in Edinburgh on Nov. 12th. READING F.C. It was agreed not to accept an invitation to play a floodlit match at Reading on Nov. 24th. J. BRAMWELL A request from this player for a 171 review of his basic wages was considered, PLAYERS WAGES and Mr. Carey was given authority to deal 90 with this case whom the necessity arise, and any others where anomalies arise. Football League It was agreed that it was not practible, owing to the state of the pitch, to arrange a practice match with our 1st Team for the Football League XI under Floodlight on Tuesday Nov. 11th. It was reported that J. Harris had been selected as Reserve for the Football League XI at Anfield on Nov. 12th. I. C. Buchan It was agreed the henceforth the 146 Club would not be responsible for Mr. Buchan's Telephone a/c, and that the Car allowance paid to him should cease forthwith, leaving the balance of the loan to him in abeyance for the time being. Directors Away SCOTLAND V IRELAND :- Mr. Joynson. BLACKBURN V BREHEN :- Mr. & Mrs. Searle. v ASTON VILLA :- ALL EXCEPT MESSRS. N. W. COFFEY & J. Taylor. NEXT MEETING Tuesday Nov. 11th at 5 p.m. CONFIRMED AS CORRECT R. E. Searle CHAIRMAN