224 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Tuesday Nov. 4th 1958.] Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other Directors. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Oct. 28th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Gate v Liverpool 5919.11. 0 Gate v Blackburn R. 6695. 8. 0 Blackpool F. C. % 332.17. 5 Cheques were signed for:- Directors Expenses 204.13.10 Football League 257.14. 5 Blackburn Rovers F. C. 925.17. 4 Police 114. 6. 0 W. H. Cooke, Xes. 49.10. 0 T. C. Buchan Xes. 80.13. 0 A. E. Keating Xes. 43. 8. 6 N. Holloway Xes. 31.15. 5 Wages 831.12. 4 Cash Disbursements 84.12. 2 Bank Balance £46,597.12.6 Dr. Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team game v Blackburn Rovers, and of the 2nd Team game v Bury Res. Injuries Reports were given of the players on the injured list. A. Penman It was reported that after correspondence 220 and phone conversation with Mr. Penman, it was the parents wish that the boy remain at an apprenticeship, and it was agreed to leave the matter in Mr. Careys hands. F. A. YOUTH CUP It was reported the 2nd Round 206