
		responsible only for the two playing pitches.
		It was agreed to purchase a Pattinson Self
		Propelled Turf Piercer at a cost of £120.0.0.

Football League		The Football League agenda was   
Agenda		disclosed, and before the item regarding
218		copyright of fixtures was being considered
		Mr. Holland Hughes left the meeting.

Westmorland F.A.	An invitation to take part in the
152		Invitation Trophy Competition was not

F. A.			An invitation for a representative
180		to attend a farewell tea to the South
		African Touring Team was considered,
		and it was regretted that the club
		could not be represented.

CHRISTIES HOSPITAL	It was agreed to donate £5.5.0
		to the Cancer Research Fund at Christies
		Hospital in lieu of a wreath at the 
		Funeral of MR. C. Dean, Ex Chairman of
		Bury F. C. in accordance with his wishes.

Director Away		To Bury :- Mr. J. Taylor.

Next Meeting		Tuesday Nov. 4th at 5 p.m.

				Confirmed as correct.

					R. E. Searle
