221 ARTICLES & It was agreed to waive the minutes T. V. restricting the publishing of Newspaper Articles 140 and Television appearances in respect of Mr. J. J. Carey. SCOTTISH F. A. A letter of thanks was read from the Scottish F. A. for the release of Collins last Saturday. SOUHPORT F. C. It was agreed not to accede to a request from Southport F. C. to change the venue of the Semi-Final of the Liverpool Senior Cup to Goodison Park in early November. DUKLA F. C. It was agreed not to accept a 218 fixtures with Dukla F. A. at Goodison Park in December. CHARLEROI It was agreed to accept a match at Charleroi in Belgium on Nov. 12th or 19th on he same terms as the proposed Antwerp match. PLAYING 209 It was resolved that the Playing SCOUTING 190 Sub-Committee, the Scouting Sub-Committee FLOODLIGHTING 190 and the Floodlighting Sub-Committee be SUB-COMMITTEES disbanded forthwith. Directors Away To Blackpool:- Messrs. R. E. Searle, F. Micklesfield J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey, C. E. Balmforth, C. H. Askham & E. Holland Hughes. Next Meeting Tuesday Oct. 28th a 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct R. E. Searle Chairman