220 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Tuesday Oct. 21st 1958] Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other Directors except Mr. Joynson who tendered his apologies. Secretary in attendance & Manager. Minutes of meeting of Oct. 14th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Gate v Leeds Utd. Youth 69. 2. 0 Gate v M/c Utd. 8007. 8. 0 Tottenham Hotspur % 651.12. 2 Cheques were signed for:- Football League 308.18. 9 M/c Utd. F. C. 1128.16. 9 Police 136.12. 0 Leeds Utd. F.C. 30. 4. 6 Comms. Inl. Rev. P.A.Y.E. 566. 0. 0 Wages 859.12. 1 Cash Disbursements 129. 5. 6 Bank Balance £43,658.16.4 Dr. Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team game v M/c Utd. and of he 2nd Team game v Blackpool. Injuries A report was given of the players on the injured list. A. Parker It was reported that Alex Parker was 217 now in England and would probably be in Liverpool at the week-end. PLAYERS SNOOKER It was agreed to give £10.0.0 price HANDICAP money for the players Xmas Snooker handicap. A. PENMAN I was reported that A. Penman was dissatisfied with his apprenticeship, and it was agreed to re-engage him on the groundstaff at a wage of £8.10.0 per week if his parents approved.