214 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Monday Sept. 22nd 1958] Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other Directors except Mr. E. Holland Hughes who tendered his apologies. Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 16th and Sept. 19th were read and confirmed. TEAM MANAGER Mr. J. Carey attended and after a 212 discussion the post was offered to Mr. Carey who accepted the terms, and copies of the Heads of agreement were signed and exchanged. (Copy annexed). LANCS. F. A. It was agreed that Mr. Micklesfield 122 should attend a meeting on Thursday next in Preston in connection with the Senior Cup Competition. A. PARKER It was reported that the premium INSURANCE for cover for A. Parker for an extra month 211 could not be reduced and would be 15/- %. CIVIL DEFENCE It was agreed that it would not be practible to arrange for a talk on Civil Defence for the Wives of the players. DIRECTORS EXES. A letter was read the Inspector of Taxes 154 asking for information regarding Directors Expenses and it was agreed that the Secretary should reply. PROPERTY It was resolved to sell 11 Thirlmere Dr. 105 and to purchase a House or Bungalow for Collins up to £2,250.0.0. L'POOL BOYS ASSN. It was agreed to corporate with the 155 Liverpool Boys Assn. to try and keep the promising players for either Everton or Liverpool for a period of 12 months, by donating to his club £5.0.0 on signing, £20.0.0 after he had played in 6 2nd Team games and £50.0.0