[Meeting held at Goodison Park
Tuesday 16th Sept. 1958]
Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair)
and all other Directors.
Secretary in attendance.
Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 8th
were read and confirmed.
Finance Receipts reported were:-
Burnley F. C. % 389.12.6
Gate v M/c City Res. 110. 5.3
Shelbourne F. C. % 106. 5.0
Cheques were signed for:-
Wages 857. 5.4
Cash Disbursements 181. 0.0
Bank Balance £29,090. 6. 8 Dr.
ASHWORTH. A. Request from these players to be placed
121 on the transfer list were not acceded to.
DUNLOP, A. An offer of £1000.0.0 for the transfer of
202 G. Williams was considered and it was agreed
WILLIAMS. C that this be not accepted.
Hickson, D. It was reported that Doncaster Rovers had
198 enquired re Hickson, and it was agreed not to
part with him.
Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team game
v M/c City and of the 2nd Team game v M/c
City Res.
H. E. Wright A letter was read from this employee
131. asking for an interview with the Board following
his demotion in the recent re-organisation of
the Training Staff. It was agreed that the
Chairman and Mr. Sharp should see him and
explain the position.
INSURANCE It was agreed to continue the
A. PARKER Insurance cover on A. Parker, but to try to