209 agreed to re-arrange our Central League fixture to Sept. 29th. Liverpool C. F. A. It was reported that the Liverpool C. F. A. 173. had given permission for a Cup to be played for in our two games & Liverpool, but not the 45th Anniversary Cup, and would not take any share of the gates. It was agreed for our home game to book all seats at 6/- each. TRAINING STAFF A discussion took place on certain 61. proposed alterations in the training & coaching appointments and Mr. Buchan stated that in his opinion the proposed changes would not solve any of the present problems. It was unanimously resolved that the following changes in the Training Staff be put into effect forthwith. 1ST TEAM TRAINER:- T. G. Watson 2ND TEAM TRAINER:- S. J. Bentham 'A' TEAM TRAINER:- N. E. Wright. The question of the relative positions of Messrs. I. C. Buchan and A. W. Fielding re tactical training was deferred for discussion next week. PLAYING COMMITTEE It was unanimously resolved that 190. Mr. C. H. Askham be elected a member of the Playing Staff Sub. Committee. Directors Away To Sheffield:- Messrs C. H. Askham and E. Holland Hughes. To Manchester:- Messrs R. E. Searle, F. Micklesfield, J. C. Sharp, C. E. Balmforth and E. Holland Hughes. Next Meeting Tuesday Sept. 16th at 5 p.m.