[Meeting held at Goodison Park
Monday Sept. 8th 1958]
Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all
other Directors.
Secretary in attendance.
Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 2nd were
read and confirmed.
Finance Receipts reported were:-
Season Ticket Sales to date 16,415. 0. 0
Preston N. E. % 471. 4. 5
Gate v Arsenal 4,750.11. 9
Cheques were signed for:-
Comms. Inland Revenue. 1,740. 7. 6
do P. A. Y. E. 594.13. 0
Football League % 180.15.11
Arsenal F. C. % 702. 8. 7
Police 105.12. 0
I. C. Buchan Car Xcs. 53. 6. 0
W. H. Cooke Car Xcs. 87. 7. 6
A. E. Keating Xcs. 39. 0. 6
A. Dixon Xcs. 56.13. 2
C. L. Liddy Xcs. 10. 8. 6
N. Holloway Xcs. 13.15.11
Wages 755. 3. 7
Bank Balance £28,702. 9.10 Dr.
TAIT. It was agreed on the recommendation of
(NEWCASTLE) the playing Committee, not to proceed with
206 negotiations for this player for the time being.
PARKER It was reported that Parker may be home
202 in 5 weeks time.
WIGAN ATH. It was reported that the Fixture v Wigan
Ath. had been left over until the end of the
season at their request.
NEWCASTLE UTD. It was noted that Newcastle Utd. had