200 PLAYERS WAGES It was agreed that the wages of the 1st 177 Team players be increased to £20.0.0 per week from Aug. 4th to Aug. 23rd applications from O'Neill & Kirby for increases in their basic rates were not granted. PROGRAMME It was agreed that Mr. Busby be 108 made programme Editor, and that he be given a wage increase of £1.0.0. per week, retrospective from 1st June. COMPLIMENTARY The Complimentary list was approved LIST 85 after various amendments. R. W. PROLE A letter was read from this Sports Journalist, intimating that he was retiring on July 31st, and expressing his appreciation of the courtesies extended to him during his 21 years association with the Club. LAWRENSONS It was agreed to leave our Coach Hire business with Lawrensons, as there terms were more favourable than others. PRO. FOOTBALLERS It was agreed to donate £20.0.0 to GOLF. CH. this competition. 111 It was agreed to let the Catering REFRESHMENT Rights to Messrs. Roberts & Ireland Ltd. for a KISOKS period of 3 years at £500.0.0 per year. CONSOLIDATED It was noted that this company were FISHERIES LTD. to add a vessel to their Football Fleet named Everton, and it was agreed to present a plaque to the ship when ready. PLAYERS It was agreed to advise the Football INSURANCE League that we were not interested in their proposed schemes for insuring players against playing accidents. INLAND It was agreed to make an offer of REVENUE £1740.7.6 to settle P.A.Y.E. irregularities to 188