DONOVAN D prepared to offer £9,500.0.0. for the transfer
197 of Donovan, subject to him passing a medical
check, and it was agreed that this offer be
accepted. payment to made as follows:- £5000.0.0.
immediately, £2,250.0.0. before Dec. 31st and
£2,250.0.0 before May 2nd 1958.
HICKSON. It was reported that Plymouth. A. had
197 made a revised offer of £5,000.0.0. cash down
for Hickson, and it was agreed that this
offer be accepted.
HARBURN. C. F. 197 It was agreed to make an offer of
(BRIGHTON & HOVE) £6,000.0.0. for Harburn, Centre fwd. of brighton
& Hove Albion.
FIXTURES 52 It was resolved, if possible, to re-
PRACTICE MATCH arranged our opening Central League Match to a
later date v Burnley Res., and to disperse
with a Public Practice Match. It was also
agreed that Mr. Buchan should endeavour to
arrange a match or matches prior to the
opening of the season.
KICK-OFF TIMES It was agreed that Saturday K. O's should
145 be 3.15, except London teams which would be
3 p.m., and for evening Floodlit games 7 p.m.
SHARE HOLDERS It was resolved that the four tickets
ASSCN. for the Directors Box, previously granted to the
164 Shareholders Association, should be withdrawn.
Confirmed as correct
R. E. Searle