198 DONOVAN D prepared to offer £9,500.0.0. for the transfer 197 of Donovan, subject to him passing a medical check, and it was agreed that this offer be accepted. payment to made as follows:- £5000.0.0. immediately, £2,250.0.0. before Dec. 31st and £2,250.0.0 before May 2nd 1958. HICKSON. It was reported that Plymouth. A. had 197 made a revised offer of £5,000.0.0. cash down for Hickson, and it was agreed that this offer be accepted. HARBURN. C. F. 197 It was agreed to make an offer of (BRIGHTON & HOVE) £6,000.0.0. for Harburn, Centre fwd. of brighton & Hove Albion. FIXTURES 52 It was resolved, if possible, to re- PRACTICE MATCH arranged our opening Central League Match to a later date v Burnley Res., and to disperse with a Public Practice Match. It was also agreed that Mr. Buchan should endeavour to arrange a match or matches prior to the opening of the season. KICK-OFF TIMES It was agreed that Saturday K. O's should 145 be 3.15, except London teams which would be 3 p.m., and for evening Floodlit games 7 p.m. SHARE HOLDERS It was resolved that the four tickets ASSCN. for the Directors Box, previously granted to the 164 Shareholders Association, should be withdrawn. Confirmed as correct R. E. Searle Chairman