
		poll be taken by means of a ballot
		and Messrs B. Evans, W. H. Sawyer, J. H. Hinton
		and T. W. Tickles were appointed scrutineers.
			Ballot papers bearing the names of the six
		candidates having been distributed, the members
		were instructed to place a cross opposite the
		names of the candidates they wished to support
		not exceeding four. The three candidates polling
		the highest number of votes would be elected
		for a period of 3 years, and the candidate
		with the next highest number of votes would
		be elected for the 2 years period vacant by
		the death of Mr. T. C. Nuttall.
			The result of the Ballot was as follows:-
		Mr. J. C. Sharp			1249 votes
		Mr. C. H. Askham		1242 votes
		Mr. R. A. Joynson		1235 votes
		Mr. E. Holland Hughes		1195 votes
		Mr. W. Birch			 400 votes
		Mr. D. M. McPhail		 395 votes
			The Chairman declared that Messrs
		J. C. Sharp, C. H. Askham and R. A. Joynson were
		elected Directors for a period of 3 years, and Mr.
		E. Holland Hughes for a period of 2 years, and
		the four successful candidates thanked the
		Shareholders for this support.
			Reports were given by Mr. Balmforth
		on behalf of the Chairman of the Playing
		Committee, and by Mr. Micklesfield, Chairman
		of the Floodlighting Committee, and questions
		by Messrs W. C. Macauley, D. G. Stephenson,
		W. Allen, A. E. Noble and J. P. Blacoe were