194 this was second by Mr. W. H. Sawyer, Mr. W. C. Macauley proposed an amendment that no dividend be paid and this was seconded by Mr. T. W. Tickle. On a show of hands the Chairman declared the amendment carried and the propositions lost. REMUNERATION Mr. C. E. Balmforth proposed that the OF AUDITORS remuneration of the Auditors for the ensuing year be increased to £250.0.0. This was seconded by Mr. W. H. Sawyer and duly carried. ELECTION OF The Secretary on behalf of the Chairman DIRECTORS declared, that under Company Law, there would have to be a show of hands before a poll could be demanded, and there were six candidates for four vacancies. Mr. P. L. Parry questioned the eligibility of Mr. E. Holland Hughes to stand as a candidate under the Rules of the Football Ass., and the meeting was assured that a letter had been received from the Football Association stating that they had no objection to his appointment as a Director, in view of the fact that he had resigned his positions as Secretary of the Pool Promoters Association. Mr. W. C. Macauley contended that the nomination was not in order as Mr. Holland Hughes held that position on the day he was nominated, but the Chairman declared that this was not relevant, and that the nominations was in order. The name of each candidate was called out in turn, and a show of hands taken in respect of each one. The chairman, holding 166 proxies then demanded a poll, and this was supported by Messrs J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey, C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfield, C. H. Askham and J. Taylor. The chairman declared that the