
		[79th Annual General Meeting held at the 
		Chamber of Commerce, Old Hall St. Liverpool
		on Thursday 19th June 1958]

			Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and
		Messrs J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey, C. E. Balmforth,
		F. Micklesfield, C. H. Askham & J. Taylor,
		Directors and 132 Shareholders, together
		with the Secretary and Mr. W. H. Robinson
		Solicitor, and Mr. G. H. Bowled, Auditor.

NOTICE			The notice covering the meeting
		was read by the Secretary.

PRESS			The members of the Press were
		admitted with the approval of the meeting.

MR. E. GREEN		The Chairman referred to the loss
MR. T. C. NUTTALL sustained by the club, in the deaths of
		two Directors during the past year, Messrs.
		E. Green and T. C. Nuttall, and the meeting
		closed in silence for a few moments as a
		token of respect.

DIRECTORS REPORT	It was agreed, that the accounts and
& BALANCE SHEET Balance Sheet, together with the Directors
		Report and the report of the Auditors thereon
		having been circulated, be taken as read.
		Mr. T. Parker proposed that the Balance Sheet
		and reports be adopted, and this was 
		seconded by Mr. G. H. Garner, Mr. Askham,
		Chairman of the Finance, and Maintenance
		Committees then gave a report of the work 
		of both these committees, and after questions
		by Messrs V. G. Winfield, J. H. Hinton, W. C.
		Macauley and G. H. Garner had been answered
		the proposition was duly carried.

DIVIDEND		Mr. C. H. Askham proposed that a
		dividend of 5%, free of tax be paid, and