
				The Everton Football Club Co. Ltd.
		Report of the Directors to the Seventy-Ninth Annual General Meeting
		   of the Company to be held on Thursday, the 19th June, 1958.

	The Directors, in submitting the Accounts of the Company for the period ended
	    3rd May, 1958, beg to report thereon as follows:
	The Balance to credit of Profit and Loss Appro-
	    priation Account brought forward from last
	    year amounted to	....	....	....	....			£38208 17  2
	Add Income from Properties	....	....	....	  1568 12  6
	    Bank Interest....	....	....	....	....	   163 10  0
	    Excess of Income over Expenditure	....	....	 35122  8  9
										 36854 11  3
										£75063  8  5
	The Directors have made provision in the Accounts for:
	    Depreciation of Amplifying Equipment	....	   200  0  0
		"	 " Floodlighting Installation	....	  4642  8  9
		"	 " Properties	....	....	....	  1980  3  8
	    Dividend for year to 3rd May, 1958, at 5% free
		of Income Tax	....	....	....	....	    97  7  6
	    Reserve for Tax on Current Profits	13250  0  0
	    Less, Refund re previous Loss	 1262  0  0
						-----------	 11988  0  0
	    Interest re Floodlighting	....	....	....	   243 10  2
								____________	 19151 10  1
	    Leaving a Balance to be carried forward of	....	....	....	£55911 18  4

		The Directors desire to record, with very great regret, the loss sustained by
	the Club through the death of their esteemed colleagues, Messrs. E. Green and
	T. C. Nuttall, who had served the Club as Directors for a good many years.

		Mr. Green was due to retire this year, together with Messrs. J. C. Sharp and
	C. H. Askham, who are eligible and offer themselves for re-election.

		Nominations have also been received on behalf of Messrs. William Birch,
	Alicks House, Glovers Brow, Kirkby; Edward Holland Hughes, "Edenholme,"
	Garth Drive, Liverpool, 18; Robert Arthur Joynson, 37 Riverbank Road, Liver-
	pool, 19; and Donald Murdo McPhail, 27 St. Philips Avenue, Liverpool, 21.

		There is a Contingent Liability for Capital Expenditure on completion of the
	Soil Warming Installation.

		Under the provisions of the Companies' Act, 1948, the Auditors, Messrs.
	Rogers, Bowler, Rushworth Smith & Co., will continue in office.

		The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed until the 20th day of
	June, 1958.
							R. E. SEARLE, Chairman.


			        (Number of Meetings 40)

	Mr. R. E. Searle	....	40	Mr. J. Taylor	....	....	39
	Mr. F. Micklesfield	....	40	Mr. N. W. Coffey....	....	38
	Mr. J. C. Sharp	....	....	39	Mr. C. H. Askham....	....	34
	Mr. C. E. Balmforth	....	39	Mr. T. C. Nuttal....	....	24

	In addition to the above 56 Emergency and Sub-Committee Meetings were held.