190 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Friday 20th June 1958.] Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other Directors. Secretary in attendance. The Chairman extended a cordial welcome to the new members of the Board. MR. E. HOLLAND HUGHES Messrs E. Holland Hughes and R. A. Joynson 187 R. A. JOYNSON Minutes of Meeting of June 18th were read and confirmed. Chairman The Chair was taken by the Secretary 81 and, on a proposition by Mr. Askham seconded by Mr. Coffey, Mr. Searle was unanimously re-elected Chairman for the ensuing year. Mr. Searle thanked his colleagues for their continued confidence in him. Vice-Chairman Mr. Micklesfield was proposed by Mr. Searle and seconded by Mr. Askham, and Mr. Sharp was proposed by Mr. Balmforth and seconded by Mr. Taylor. On being put to a vote Mr. Micklesfield was duly elected Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year, and Mr. Micklesfield thanked his colleagues suitably. Sub-Committees The following Sub-Committees were elected for the ensuing year. FINANCE COMM. Messrs C. H. Askham, J. C. Sharp and 81 E. Holland Hughes. PLAYING COMM. Messrs F. Micklesfield, C. E. Balmforth 81 and J. C. Sharp. MAINTENANCE COMM. Messrs C. H. Askham, F. Micklesfield and 81 R. A. Joynson. FLOODLIGHTING COMM. Messrs C. H. Askham, J. Taylor and 81 N. W. Coffey. SCOUTING COMM. Messrs. F. Micklesfield, C. H. Askham 175 and J. Taylor.