		1.	The chairman will say:

			Under the law we have to have a show of hands before we
		can proceed to a poll (if necessary there will be a poll because
		I shall insist and I hold the appropriate number of votes).
			I therefore put this resolution to you that you shew hands
		to indicate the THREE persons whom you wish to vote for. I will
		mention each name separately and ask you to put up your hand if
		you wish that person to be appointed. Then the number of votes
		will be compared and the four persons counting the highest numbers
		will be taken to be appointed by the shew of hands. The person
		polling the lowest number of votes to be elected for the 2 year
		period vacant by the death of Mr. T. C. Nuttal

		Note: If the shew of hands shews the THREE persons whom the board
		wish then there will be no necessity for a poll to be to be taken but if
		    will demand a poll and
		not the chairman/ should submit the following resolution:

			It is resolved that as there are only {THREE} vacancies for {FOUR}
		nominations the sense of the meeting taken by the vote by means of a
		voting paper on which each member present in person or by proxy and
		entitled to vote will record his choice by making his cross and the
		number of his votes against the names of not more than {THREE} of the
		persons on such voting paper and that a motion for the appointment
		of those {THREE} persons who have received the highest numbers of votes
		be respectively appointed as directors of the Company by a single
		resolution be agreed by the meeting and that the person polling the
		lowest number of votes be elected for the 2 year period vacant by
		the death of Mr. T. C. Nuttall and {propose} that four scrutineers be appointed