[Meeting held at Goodison Park
Wed. 18th June 1958.]
Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and
all other Directors. Secretary in attendance.
Minutes of Meeting of May 14th and
of the Emergency Meeting of May 20th were
read and confirmed.
Finance Receipt reported was:-
Season ticket Sales to date 6388. 4. 0
Cheques were signed for:-
Staff Wages 356.18. 4
Players Wages 678. 4. 6
Bank Balce. £20,869.12. 3 Dr.
Proxies The doubtful proxies were considered
182 and these not witnessed, or received after
the stipulated time were rejected. Where two
proxies had been given the one bearing
the eaten date was allowed.
Report of The report of recommendations as
Finance Comm. presented by Mr. Askham was approved.
(copy annexed)
Loan It was agreed that a letter be
513 sent to Mr. J. Moores by the Chairman,
to ascertain if be caused help with
financial assistance temporarily, to meet our
current liability for remaking the pitch.
Playing Sub Mr. Balmforth presented the report
Committee of this committee, and it was agreed to
circularise Clubs that we were prepared to
DONOVAN receive offers for Donovan v Hickson. The
HICKSON other recommendation made were approved.
146 (Copy annexed).
MR. E. HOLLAND HUGHES A letter was read from the
186 Football Association stating that in view of