185 [Emergency Meeting held at Goodison Park Tuesday May 20th 1958.] Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other Directors. Secretary in attendance. ACCOUNTS & The Final accounts and Balance BALANCE SHEET Sheet were considered and approved and 182 these were signed by Messrs. R. E. Searle and C. H. Askham together with the Secretary. SPECIAL RESOLUTION A letter was considered form Messrs. D. G. Stephenson & P. L. Carry giving notice of their intention to proper the following special resolution at the forthcoming annual General meeting:- " That article No. 7 of the Articles of Association of the Company be deleted and in lieu thereof the following articles be inserted. Every member shall have one vote and every member holding not less than twenty shares in his own name shall have one additional vote, but no member shall have more than two votes." It was councils opinion that the notice was not in order, as it was not signed by shareholders holding one twentieth of the voting power, and could be ignored. It was therefore resolved that the Resolution should not be included on the agenda for the forthcoming Annual General Meeting, but that it be put forward at an Extraordinary General Meeting to be covered shortly after the Annual General Meeting. This gesture, without insisting on the necessary 10% requisition, was to avoid any possible