183 three alteration names and the use of these was confirmed. EXECUTORS & c. It was agreed to notify the Legal personal representative of deceased Shareholders, that they were not entitled to vote at general meetings of the Company, until they had become registered as members of the Company. CHARLES MEL It was agreed to notify Swancea (SWANSEA TOWN) Toven that we are interested in Mel Charles, and to enquire if they would be prepared to part with him. O'HARA It was reported that Falkirk were 157 prepared to part with O'Hara for a fee of (FALKIRK) £7,500. 0. 0, and it was resolved to negotiate at this figure. PARKER It was reported that Falkirk were (FALKIRK) likely to accede to Parkers request for a transfer and it was agreed that powers be given to Mr. Micklesfield and Mr. Buchan to negotiate for this player up to £20,000.0.0. FOOTBALL LEAGUE The proposed amendment to the REGULATIONS Regulation of the Football League were 173 considered, and it was agreed to support the amendments to regulation, 10. 12. 22 29. 30. 31. 36. 40. FOOTBALL LEAGUE It was agreed to support the ARTICLE OF ASSN. proposed alterations to the Article of Assocn. of the Football League. FOOTBALL ASSN. It was agreed to support the ARTICLES OF ASSN. proposed alteration to the Article of association of the Football Association. SCOUTING It was reported that both AREA SCOUT J. Porter & E. Bell had declined to accept 181