
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
			 Wed. May 14th 1958.]

			Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all
		other Directors. Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of May 6th were
		read and confirmed.

Finance 		Receipts reported were:-
		Season Ticket Sales			 413.14. 0
		Cup Final Ticket Sales			 237.18. 0	

			Cheques were signed for:-
		Staff Wages				 299. 1. 8
		Comns. Inl. Rev. P. A. Y. E.		1125. 8. 6

			Bank Balance £410. 1. 3. Cr.
IRRIGATION		It was reported that the rest of
180		irrigation equipment required would be approximately
		£200. 0. 0, and approved was given to this.
B. Steele		It was reported that B. Steele had been
65		transferred to Chesterfield F. C. for a fee of £100. 0. 0.
		It was agreed to apply for permission to pay him 
		assured share of Benefit amounting to £50. 0. 0.

ACCOUNTS &		The draft accounts were considered, and
BALANCE SHEET	after explanations were given by Mr. Bateman
73		these were approved. It was agreed to
		depreciate the Floodlighting installation by 10%
		and to recommend that this be written down
		down to nil over 10 years in equal annual
		amounts. It was also agreed to write down 
		the Goodison Ave. and Walton Lane properties
		to £18,000, and to recommend that £2000. 0. 0
		be written off each year in future.
DIVIDEND		It was agreed to recommend the payment
73		of a dividend of 5% free of tax.
PROXIES			It was reported that the Clubs
179		Solicitors had approved the type of proxy, using