AREA SCOUTS It was resolved to offer the
appointments of Area Scouts as follows:-
Ireland, North & South :- C. Liddy,
Scotland :- Author Dixon
Midlands :- Fred Bernett
South :- Nomman Holloway
For the north of England area it was
agreed to interview J. Porter & Eric Bell before
making a final choice.
Transfer of The following were approved:-
Shares SHARES Nos 1705 TO 1707 from W. R. Denars to
John Messrs.
SHARES Nos 672 TO 674 from Exid J. S. Richardson
to Evelyn Richardson.
Directors Away To Southport:- Messrs. J. C. Sharp, C. E.
Balmforth, C. H. Askham & J. Taylor.
Next Meeting This was left to the chairman's
Confirmed as correct.
R. E. Searle