
		diplomatically, in view of the extensive ground
		reconstruction undertaken, and that we had been
		advised to use the pitch as little as possible
		next season.

LANES. F. A.		It was agreed to support Mr. W. Allen
COUNCIL		for election to the council of the Lancashire
174		F. A. in Division 4.

IRRIGATION		The maintenance Committee were
		authorised to spend approximately £100. 0. 0
		for equipment to water the pitch.

Liverpool		It was reported that the Final of this
Senior Cup	Competition was to be played at Southport on
176		Saturday next.

JONES. O. R.		It was agreed that this player be
176		watched tomorrow by Messrs. R. E. Searle,
(Wrexham)	J. C. Sharp and C. E. Balmforth.

CLOVEN C. F.		It was agreed that the Chief coach and
164		the Chief Scout should arrange an appointment
HOLLIDAY O. L.	with the Directors of Middlesbrough to try to
(MIDDLESBORO)	negotiate for Clargh at £30,000. 0. 0 and
		Holliday at £15,000. 0. 0.

CENTRAL			It was agreed to divide £120. 0. 0
LEAGUE		talent money among the central League team
		players who finished Runners-up, and to pay
		a bonus of £10.10. 0 to T. G. Watson the

CORK HIBERNIANS		It was agreed to give permission
		to Dunlop, Tansey, Devoran, Meagan
		and Hickson to play in a Benefit match
		providing they were insured for total of
		£50,000. 0. 0.

B. GODFREY		It was agreed that this player be
		signed as a full time professional player at a
		wage of £9. 0 . 0 per week all the year round.