[Meeting held at Goodison Park
Tuesday May 6th 1958]
Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and
all other Directors. Secretary in attendance.
Minutes of Meeting of April 29th were
read and confirmed.
Finance Receipts reported were:-
Notts Forest F. C. % 289. 4.10
Blackpool F. C. % 230.11.10
Cheques were signed for:-
Directors Expenses 152.18. 0
J. C. Buchan Car Xes. 127. 0. 0
Wages 752. 7. 6
Cash Disbursements 170. 1. 5
From Deposit a/c 3000. 0. 0
Bank Balance £1017. 9. 0 Cr. (Curr. a/c)
Report of The report of recommendation as
Finance Comm. presented by Mr. Askham was approved. Copy annexed)
It was reported that four nominations
NOMINATIONS had been received for candidates for election to
66 the Board as follows:- Messrs. E. Holland Hughes
R. A. Joynson, D. McPhail & W. Birch. It
was unanimously resolved to support the
candidature of Mr. E. Holland Hughes for the
fourth vacancy.
PROXY FORMS It was resolved that the type of
proxy form laid out in Schedule 'A' of the
1948 Companies act be approved for use at
General Meeting providing it is properly
F.A. v Royal air An application from the F. A. for
Force the use of the ground on Oct. 8th for the
162 match v the R. A. F. was considered. It was
agreed to turn down the application