172 but that an interview would be arranged for Mr. Micklesfield on his return. KERR 150 It was reported that this player was non PARTICK TH. fit and playing and it was agreed that he be seen on Friday evening by Messrs. R. E. Searle & F. Micklesfield and Mr. Buchan, and that they be given powers to negotiate up to £10,000.0.0. QUIXALL It was agreed to write to Sheffield SHEFFIELD W. Wednesday and inform them that we were interested in Quixall and enquire if they were prepared to part with him. GROUND It was reported that the tender of RECONSTRUCTION Messrs Bradshaws Ltd. amounting to £8718.0.0 169 for the reconstruction of the ground had been accepted, and this was approved. D. BONNAR It was agreed that this Scottish Schoolboy International be taken on the ground staff temporarily at a wage of £5.0.0 per week. Mrs. Nuttall A letter of thanks was read from Mrs. Nuttall for the message of sympathy sent to her. WILLIAMS G. It was agreed to release G. Williams 140 on Apl. 23rd to play for the Wales under 23 v England if selected. J. O'Neill It was agreed to release O'Neill to 30 play for Eire on May 11th and 14th in Poland and Austria. Directors Away To England v Scotland:- Messrs. R. E. Searle and J. Taylor. To Leeds:- Mr. J. Taylor NEXT MEETING Tuesday Apl. 22nd at 5 p.m. Confirmed as corrected R. E. Searle CHAIRMAN