167 Youth Tour An invitation for the youth Team to visit Zurich at Whitsuntide was considered and it was agreed not to accept this invitation. SAN SEBASTIAN An invitation to play a match in San Sebastion on May 1st with a guarantee fo £1000.0.0 was considered. It was agreed to leave a decision to Messrs C. H. Askham & F. Micklesfield to ascertain what travelling arrangements were likely to be. MC PARLAND 162 Letter were read from Aston Villa (ASTON VILLA) and Bradford City intimating that they REID 164 were not prepared to part with Mc Parland (BRADFORD CITY) and Reid respectively but would inform us if they changed their minds in the future. Cup Final Tkt. The suggested allocation of Cup- 52 Final Tickets was approved. ATHERTON 163 It was agreed that Messrs F. WATSON Micklesfield and C. H. Askham together with MC. INTOSH Mr. Buchan should watch these three players (BURY) on Saturday at Stockport with full powers to negotiate if they were satisfied. JACKSON It was reported that this players (SHETTLESTON JUNS.) was coming down for trial, and it was agreed to enquire from Hearts whether or not he was tied to them in any way. MR. T. C. NUTTALL It was agreed to allocate Six 166 Box Tickets to Mr. Nuttall's family for each match for the remainder of the season. Secretary On the recommendation of the Finance Committee it was resolved to increase the salary of the Secretary to One thousand five hundred and fifty pounds per annum from 1st July 1958.