PROPOSED RETENTION AND RELEASE OF PROFESSIONAL PLAYERS FOR SEASON 1958-1959 RETAIN H. M. FORCES Goalkeeper J. Parkes (Right-Back) D. Temple (Inside-Right) A. Dunlop J. Hood (Centre-Forward) J. O'Neil J. Gregory (Centre-Forward) F. McKay (Inside-Left) Right-Back B. Harris (Outside-Left) G. Williams(Outside-Left) A. Sanders D. Donovan RELEASE A. Bentham R. More (Goal-Keeper) Left-Back T. Gannon (Left-Half) D. Todd (Outside-Right) J. Tansey N. Birch (Inside-Right) I. Hillsdon W. Davison (Inside-Right) B. Griffihs W. Haughey (inside-Left) B. Steele (Outside-Left) Right-Half DOUBTFUL K. Rea J. King F. Leeder (Left-Back) S. Billington (Cenre-Half) Centre-Half J. Clayton (Left-Half) D. Hickson (Centre-Forward) T. Jones B. Llewellyn (Centre-Forward) B. Labone G. kirby (Centre-Forward) J. Keeley (Inside-Left) Left-half PROVISIONAL TEAMS 1958-59 M. Meagan 1ST team Outside-Right Dunlop or O'Neill Sanders or Donovan J. Harris Tansey or Hillsdon Rea or King Inside-Right Jones or Labone Meagan or ? E. Thomas Harris. J. or Harris. B. Thomas or Temple Centre-Forward ? or Hood ? or Ashworth ? or Williams Inside-Left YOUNG PROMISING PLAYERS RETAINED W. Fielding A. Ashworth Bentham Griffiths Outside-Left Fielding! FORCES PLAYERS NOT INCLUDED ABOVE Parkes Gregory Mackay From the foregoing, it will be seen that before any definite conclusions can be arrived at, the acquisition of three 1st team players and a wing-half of Central League standard, is essential before team planning is completed.