162 F. A. It was agreed that the Secretary should 104, 59 reply to a letter from the F. A. asking for observations on the misconduct of a spectator on March 8th v Preston N. E. The following were approved:- Transfer of SHARES NoD. from Exor. V. L. Enright to L. E. Enright. Shares " " 1167 & 2225 from Exors. B. S. Campbell to Campbell. DIRECTORS MTGS. In a proposition by Mr. Sharp, seconded by Mr. Micklesfield it was resolved unanimously that from this a Directors meeting of Everton Football Club - apart from the usual weekly Directors meeting should only be held when it is the unanimous wish of the available Directors. By available Directors is meant any Director who on being asked to attend such Directors meeting by the Secretary of Everton Football Club signifies that he is able and willing to attend such Directors meeting within 48 hours of being asked by the Secretary. ELECTION OF In a proposition by Mr. Micklesfield and DIRECTORS Seconded by Mr. Nuttall it was resolved unanimously to support the re-election of the two retiring Directors, Messrs. J. C. Sharp and C. H. Askham and to support the election of Mr. R. A. Joynson to fill the vacancy on the Board. It was agreed to write to Aston Villa and Middlesbrough to inform them that we were interested in Mr. Parland and Clough, and to enquire the transfer fee required if they were willing to part with these players. Directors Away To Huddersfield :- Mr. Coffey NEXT MEETING Monday March 24th at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct R. E. Searle CHAIRMAN