161 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Tuesday 18th March 1958] Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other Directors. Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Mar. 11th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Gate v Bury Res. 87. 6. 0 Southampton F.C. re Birch 3000. 0. 0 Cheques were signed for:- Football Association Cup Final Tkts. 251.16. 3 Royal Insce. Co. 48. 1. 0 British Railways 9.18. 7 Wages 686. 8. 7 Cash Disbursements 141.19. 7 Bank Balance £9536.15.11 Cr. Birch K. J. Confirmation was given to the transfer 68 of Birch to Southampton for £6,000.0.0 and it was agreed to accept £3,000.0.0 down and the Balance of £3,000.0.0 on Dec. 31st 1958. It was agreed to apply for permission to pay him the maximum accrued share of Benefit. Jones. T. E. It was resolved to apply for Tansey. J. permission to pay Benefits of £1,000.0.0 each to T. E. Jones & J. Tansey. Players It was agreed to order players Equipment equipment as and when required up to £750.0.0 before the end of the season. ATHERTON(L. H.) Mr. Sharp gave a good report of this 159 player last Saturday, and it was agreed BURY that he be watched again next Saturday by Messrs F. Micklesfield & J. Taylor.