155 any outside body whatever. The loaning of Bellifield was left in the hands of the maintenance committee. LIVERPOOL BOYS ASSN. It was agreed that Mr. Nuttall should attend a meeting on March 31st convened by the Liverpool Boys Assn. to discuss the Welfare of young boys and approaches to them by Football Clubs. TEAM SELECTION It was resolved that the minute referring to Team Selection of Sept. 18th 1956 be rescinded , and that in future the Team to be announced at noon each Wednesday, after Mr. Buchan had heard the various reports of the Directors. ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE It was reported hat the committee formed to investigate the accounts had met yesterday, when Mr. Micklesfield was elected Chairman, and a further meeting was to be held shortly. REID. I. L. Messrs. J. C. Sharp & C. E. Balmforth (BRADFORD. C.) were impressed with this player last Saturday and it was agreed that he be seen again either tomorrow or Saturday by Messrs T. C. Nuttall, J. Taylor & I. C. Buchan and that they be given powers, if satisfied, to negotiate up to £15,000.0.0. SYDENHAM. O. L. Mr. Nuttall reported that Sydenham (SOUTHAMPTON) 152 showed great potentiality, and he HOSKINS. was impressed with Hoskins (O. L.) playing (SOUTHAMPTON) at inside left. It was agreed that O' HARA. O. L. Hoskins and O'Hara. O.L. Falkirk be FALKIRK followed up on Saturday by Scouts. KIRBY It was reported that it was 124 doubtful whether Kirby would be fit to