151 BRAMWELL L. H. These two players to be seen on BIRCHALL R. H. Saturday by Mr. Askham, and possibly (WIGAN ATH.) Mr. Micklesfield. Manchester Utd. It was agreed to write to Manchester 99. Utd. and ask them in what manner we can help them in their present difficulty. Floodlit Match It was reported that the Racing 144. Club of Paris were unable to play on Feb. 26th, and that tentative arrangements had been made for this fixture to be played on March 5th if the result of the Liverpool Cup-tie permitted. If not a match on Feb. 26th would be played at Goodison Park. FORTUNA F. C. versus F. C. Fortuna, Holland. It was agreed that prices of admission be League prices and also for the Match v Shamrock Rovers. Liverpool C. F. A. It was agreed to loan the ground to 46. the Liverpool C. F. A. for the Youth Match v Eire on a date at the end of Feb. to be agreed with the Secretary. Tranmere Rovers It was reported that Tranmere Rovers 140. were not now interested in the purchase of 17, Thirlmere Drive. South Liverpool F. C. A request from this club for the semi-final of the Liverpool Challenge Cup to be played on their ground under Floodlights. It was agreed to inform them that we would prefer to play in daylight. Next Meeting Tuesday Feb. 18th at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct. R. E. Searle CHAIRMAN.