143 F. A. Cup It was agreed that each Director be 140 allocated 220 Tickets for the Cup-tie v Blackburn Rovers, and that the surplus for the general public be sold on Saturday next at 1.30 p.m. It was agreed to suggest with Liverpool F. C. that tickets for the Directors Box should not be exchanged on this occasion. F. A. Cup Replay It was agreed that should a 138 replay be necessary this should take place at Blackburn on Thursday Jan. 30th K. O. 2.15 p.m. International Match It was agreed that the press 128 Should not be admitted to the Boardroom on this occasion and that Mr. Winterbottom be contacted regarding the fitness of the ground. Band It was agreed to engage the services of the Edge Hill Band on Jan. 25th at a fee not to exceed ten pounds. A letter of thanks was read from the Port Sunlight A. F. C. Transfer of Shares The following was approved:- SHARES NO. 1211 & 2399 FROM EXIX H. BARKER To A. D. NOBLE. Directors Away To Sunderland:- Mr. J. Taylor. Next Meeting Tuesday Jan. 21st at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct. R. E. Searle CHAIRMAN.