140 Williams, G. A request from G. Williams to be placed on the Transfer List was granted. It was agreed to ask Clubs interested to submit offers. FIVE-A-SIDE It was agreed to support the request of the Football League not to release players for a Five-A-Side Competition on Feb. 11th. Television It was agreed that arrangements, as 128 outlined, be made for Televising part of the International Match on Jan. 15th, and that the K. O. be 7.15 p.m. Rating It was agreed to accept a net Bellsfield assessment of £250.0.0 in respect of 2 Bellsfield as recommended by Mr. Dixon. F. A. Cup Draw It was agreed that the prices for 134 Stand Seats for the 4th Round tie v Blackburn Rovers should be 7/6, 6/- & 5/- the Paddock 3/- and Ground 2/-. Tranmere Rovers A letter was read from Tranmere Rovers re-affirming their offer of £2,000.0.0 for 17, Thirlmere Drive. It was agreed to advise them that we would not accept less than £2,250.0.0 and to request a reply within 7 Days. ASSOCIATION OF. A request from this association for F. L. REFEREES facilities to hold a meeting on Sunday Jan. 19th was not granted. Daily Express It was agreed to allow the Daily Express to purchase the Match Ball and two tickets for the Cup tie v Blackburn Rovers as a competition prize. Tour It was resolved that a Sub-Committee 93 be formed consisting of Messrs C. E. Balmforth. F. Micklesfield and C. H. Askham to consider arranging a close season Tour.