138 on Saturday night and travel 1st Class. Hood, J. It was reported that Hood had asked to be placed on the open to transfer list, and it was agreed that efforts be made to have him transferred to a camp nearer Liverpool. Referee A letter was read from the Football League 122 in reply to our observations on the Referee v (West Brom) West Brom. Mrs. Humplneys It was reported that Trustees of the Jubilee 122 Benevolent Fund had sent a cheque for £172.13.0 on behalf of Mrs. Humplneys. The details of payment were left to Mr. Askham & the Secretary. Letters of thanks were read from Marine F. C. and from Liverpool F. C. New Years Day It was agreed to close the ground and offices on New Years Day. F. A. Cup Replay It was agreed in the event of a replay 33 to charge 6/- for the Bullens Road and Goodison Road Stands, and 5/- for the goal Stands. Directors Away To Wolveshampton:- Messrs R. E. Searle, C. E. Balmforth & F. Micklesfield. To Bolton:- Messrs R. E. Searle, J. C. Sharp, C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfield, C. H. Askham and J. Taylor. To Derby:- Mr. J. Taylor. Next Meeting Thursday Jan. 2nd at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct. R. E. Searle CHAIRMAN.