132 Floodlighting A report was given of the PROPOSED start of the (PRACTICE GROUND) Practice Ground installation, and it was 126 expected that these would be ready 4 weeks ahead of schedule. It was reported that Marine F. C. and New Brighton were interested in the old light, and the disposal of these was left to the Floodlighting Committee. Score Board It was agreed that a scoreboard be fixed in the Boardroom. Insurance It was agreed that the Insurance of 121 the Floodlight installation be placed with the Royal Insu. Co. and that the details be left to Mr. Micklesfield, Mr. Askham and the Secretary. PENSION SCHEME Confirmation was given to the following 13. employees joining the pension Scheme on Jan 1st:- H. E. Wright, J. HOLDING & W. Price. TURNSTILE A letter was read from the Football CONTROL League suggesting that overall supervision be 105 undertaken by the Football League, and that a copy of the gate return should be forwarded to the League. It was agreed to advice them that we were fully satisfied with our present arrangements. Directors away To Manchester:- Messrs R. E. Searle. J. C. Sharp & F. Micklesfield. Next Meeting Tuesday Dec. 11th at 5 pm. Confirmed as correct. R. E. Searle CHAIRMAN.