128 Television It was reported that the Football League had 111 been asked to object on our behalf, should the Televising of the M/c Utd. v Dukla match be contemplated on Nov 20th. Special It was agreed that 13 players, together Training with the trainer v Chief Coach should go to 27 Blackpool on Monday next for a week of special training. Xmas Boxes It was resolved that this match be as 5 last year. ENGLAND v SCOTLAND It was agreed that this match be (UNDER 23) played at Goodison Park on wed Jan 15, and 86. not March 12th as originally arranged. H.M.S. CAVENDISH. It was agreed to issue up to 20 Complimentary ticket for the officers and men of the H.M.S. Cavendish visiting Bootle on Nov 30th. Plymouth. A. It was agreed to pay to Plymouth, A. 125 half of the rest of travelling expenses insured by J. Gauld when transferred, amounting to £14 although none of these were incurred on our behalf. FAULAT GIRL an offer to send this girls Band to PIPERS play at a home game before Christmas was not accepted. RADNICKI It was agreed that we could not (BEORAD) arrange a game in January against this team. Directors away To Portsmouth:- Messrs C. E. Balmforth v J. Taylor. Next meeting Tuesday Nov. 26th at 5 pm. Confirmed as correct R. E. Searle Chairman.