126 pounds for immunity for Pants Day. FLOODLIGHTING It was resolved to accept the scheme (PRACTICE GROUND)submitted by G. E. C. for Floodlighting the 108 Practice Ground at a rest of £1121.16.0. WATER HEATING It was resolved to replace the three Electric Boilers with three Gas Boilers for Water heating, which would effect a saving in fuel costs of approximately £400.0.0 p. a. MR. C. H. ASKHAM A letter was read from Mr. Askham 24 intimating that he now felt justified in taking expenses as he was in agreement with the financial policy of the club. Transfer of The following were approved:- Shares SHARE No.1101 FROM WM G. MILLER To ELIZABETH L.McKAY " " 2040 FROM WM G. MILLER To ALLISON J. McKAY " " 2041 FROM WM G. MILLER To ANOREN McKAY HATTRICK " " 1102,469 v 1454 FROM EXORS E. GREEN TO WM H. GREEN " " 1636 To 1638 FROM XIX JOHN ILES TO LILLIAN M. ILES. Directors away To Manchester:- Mr. N. W. Coffey. Next Meeting Tuesday Nov. 19th at 5 pm. Confirmed as correct R. E. Searle Chairman.