116 A. Bentham It was recommend by the Players Sub-Committee that Alan Bentham, at present on the groundstaff, be signed as a full time professional. This was approved. Fluorescent Strip Mr. Micklesfield reported that the players had complained that the Fluorescent strip used by the team v Liverpool on Oct. 9th was not suitable under playing conditions and after discussion, it was decided not to use them again in first class matches. A. W. Fielding It was reported that Fielding was in light training. Flint Schoolboys A request from Flint Schoolboys for complimentary tickets for their party of 20 for the match v Burnley on Oct. 19 was agreed to. Chesterfield A letter from this club was read, requesting on 50 extension of time for the payment of the outstanding sum of £700 for transfer fees. Decided to write and ask for £350 on or before December 1st and the balance on or before January 1, 1958. Blackpool F. C. A letter from this club was read agreeing to play our postponed League game from Sept. 28th on November 20th at Goodison Park. under floodlights. This was confirmed. F. A. re Press A letter from the F. A. expressing concern at the number of interview given by club officials and players to pressmen was read. Decided to leave on the table. E. F. C. Supporters Mr. Micklesfield read a letter of congratulation Federation regarding the Floodlighting from this body. Ground lighting Mr. Micklesfield reported certain bad spots round the points ground when the lights were in use and it was agreed 111 to CONSIDER THE increasing lighting were necessary and to CONSIDER TO illuminate the two stand clocks.